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est. 1972

Winter / Spring
Sports Schedules
Below is the Winter / Spring Sports Schedule for 2024-25. This includes Boys basketball, Girls basketball, and Both Boys and Girls Wrestling. Softball, Baseball, Soccer, and Track and Field. Basketball will include only Home game that we will cheer at. We love Our Viking Teams and look forward to Cheering them on to VICTORY! All N!
Boys Basketball 2024-25
11.19 - Creekview 5/6/7:30pm
11.22 - St.Andrews 5//8pm
12.20 - Irving 5:30/7:30pm
1.7 - JJ Pearce 5:30/7:30pm
1.10 - Jesuit 5:30/7:30pm
1.14 - mac 5:30/7:30pm
1.21 - Richardson 7:30pm
1.28 - Lake Highlands 5:30/7:30pm
2.11 - Berkner (Senior Night) 5:30/7:30pm
*** Home Games Only ***

Girls Basketball 2024-25
11.22 - Grand Prairie 5:30/7:30pm
12.3 - Woodrow Wilson 5:30/7:30pm
12.10 - mac 5:30/7:30pm
12.17 - Richardson 5:30/7:30pm
1.3 - Lake Highlands
1.17 - Berkner 5:30/7:30pm
1.24 - Irving 5:30/7:30pm
1.31 - JJ Pearce (Senior Night) 5:30/7:30pm

*** Home Games Only ***
Varsity Wrestling 2024-25

11.14-16 - All/Tournament/Eaton HS
11.21-23 - All/Tournament/AISD Sports Cplx
12.6-7 - All/Tournament/SGP HS
12.11 - All/TRI/Irving HS
12.13-14 - All/Tournament/Saginaw HS
12.18 - All/Dual/SGP HS
12.20-21 - BOYS/Tournament/Prosper HS
12.21 - GIRLS/Tournament/Colony HS
12.28 - BOYS/TRI/Grand Prairie HS
1.2-3 - All/Tournament/Frisco Independence HS
1.9-11 - All/Tournament/Trinity HS
1.5 - BOYS/TRI/Grand Prairie HS
1.17-18 - All/Tournament/AISD Sports Cplx
1.22 - All/Dual/(Senior Night)/Nimitz HS
1.31/2.1 - All/Tournament (District)/AISD Sp. Cplx
2.7-8 - All/Tournament (Regional)/Haltom HS
2.14-15 - All/Tournament (State)/Berry Center
Softball 2024-25
Vikings Baseball 2024-25
Boys Soccer 2024-25
Girls Soccer 2024-25
Track and Field 2024-25
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